Software Update to Version 3.8 – May 25, 2016

New Features

  1. Credit card Point of Sale (POS) support for swipe magnetic card readers.
    • Credit receipts now have a signature line.
  2. Credit card transactions added:
    • Credit card Reverse (Automatically tries Reverse before Void).
    • Credit card Void-Return
  3. Add optional “Transfer” pay type to help track in-house payment transfers.
  4. Add room title, primary guest, and patient (if different) to receipt. (Fixed receipt printing problems, see below.)
  5. New Invoice Delete icon on the visit viewer dialog box – allows deleting invoices without having to navigate away.
  6. New icon on visit ribbons on the Guest Edit page indicating this guest’s participation in the indicated visit.
  7. Added a ‘member excludes’ tab to Guest Edit page which allows exclusion from email or snail-mail lists.
  8. Added a “cleaning cycle” to rooms, sets a room “dirty” after so many days in use. Set to 0 days to disable the cleaning cycle check.
    • Cleaning status now marked on “Current Guests” tab of Register page. (!, “bang” symbol for dirty rooms.)
  9. Updated password policy to enforce at least one capital letter, one lower case letter and one number. Also, it only gives you 3 tries to log in before it refuses to continue.
  10. Upgrade to ReCaptcha v2.
  11. Patient name panel now has entries for middle name and nick name.
  12. Implemented a “Read-Only” guest user mode. (Requires a new DB user and password).


  1. Fixed problems with receipt printout showing the background page. Receipts print clearly now.
  2. Fixed problems with adding a guest to an existing visit. All the following issues are fixed:
    • “Guest Already Staying” – when they are not
    • “Room busy or Room not available” – when it is obviously available
    • “Select a Hospital” – when the hospital selector is not visible
  3. Fix problems in Reservation when adding a new guest to an existing patient visit.
  4. Fix “Add Room” problem when adding a guest to an existing visit.
  5. Put invoice notes and paying date textbox’s in viewable region of “Paying Today” panel.
  6. Fix email function on Guest/Vehicle View page.
  7. Fix missing error message on changing expected checkout date from visit viewer.
  8. Fix missing expected end date from reservation page when viewing a checked in reservation.
  9. Fix problems with creating an organization as a new billing agent.
  10. Removed the ability to change the expected departure date from the “Current Guests” tab on the House Register page.
  11. Web User Register page now works better than ever.
  12. Fixed some issues with the name search function getting confused.