Is any one else having trouble believing it’s already December?

We, perhaps like you, are in a mad dash to finish some things before the holidays. Our big push in the next couple weeks is to upgrade everyone’s site. 3.13 has several new features (one of which you can read about below) and lots of fixes. Look out for an email from Beth regarding this.

Also below you’ll see a link to a survey to help us better define access levels in Hospitality HouseKeeper. Please participate–input from more of you helps us create better features.

Feature Spotlight: Incident Reports

In Hospitality HouseKeeper, users have always been able to mark a Guest as No Return. Until now, users haven’t been able to add information related to the No Return reason, or information on any other incidents in the house.

Now, once you turn on the Incident Reports feature, every Patient Support Group will show Active, On Hold, and Resolved Incident Reports when making a new Reservation, on Check-In, and on the Guest Edit page.

Here’s what they look like:
Reservation with Incident Report Status bar
Above you can see the Incidents bar, outlining the statuses of any Reports for the group.

If you click on the bar, you can see details, and also add a new Report.
Expanded Reports bar to show details and status

Most often, Incident Reports will be written during a Visit or after a Visit ends. On each person’s Guest Edit page, there is now a tab for Incident Reports, which, when clicked on, will show a list of all Incidents and their Statuses, as in the above image.

When you make a new Report, simply click on the New Incident button, and this is what you’ll see:
New Incident Report, with fields to fill out.

There is space for describing the Incident and any Resolution. You can choose a Status (Active, On Hold, Resolved) to indicate if any more action needs to be taken. There is a Signature field, so the Guest can sign electronically if your house supports that. Then, at the bottom of the page, you can Save and Print as needed.

This feature was sponsored by a client, but as with all our features, it’s now available to everyone and we hope many of you will get use out of it! If you have any questions, or want to turn it on for your house, email Beth or use the Contact Us form on the website.

New Survey! Please Participate! 

On the House side (the Blue side) of Hospitality HouseKeeper there are two main user groups: Guest Operations and Guest Admin.

Over the years, the line between the Guest Operations and the Guest Admin access levels has blurred. We are asking for your input to help us (possibly) reset the line.

The survey should take at most 10 minutes.

Client Spotlight

Family Reconciliation Center logo

We have a new client this month, the Family Reconciliation Center in Nashville, Tennessee. They provide lodging to family members of incarcerated loved ones, and we are very pleased to work with them.

We were surprised at first, but there are a lot of similarities between prison and hospital hospitality houses. If you swap the wording (prison/hospital and inmate/patient), there are a lot of overlaps in terms of mission and what they need to track and report on.

From their website: “No one should be priced out of visiting their loved one,” a statement to which all hospitality houses (healthcare or otherwise) can relate.

Welcome to the NPSC family, Family Reconciliation Center!

Coming Soon

  • Document Uploads – Several of you are waiting for this! We are hard at work on this one, and are excited to release it (perhaps?) by Christmas! You’ll be able to upload PDF and Image files to the Guest Edit page in HHK.
  • Multiple Email Confirmations – Now that we have more than one Registration Form, a few clients have asked for additional Email Confirmation forms as well, and we think that’s a great idea.
  • Flagging Notes – Sometimes, there’s a Reservation or Visit note that needs to stay visible. We’re working on a Flag button to let you keep one (or more) notes at the top of the list.

Do you have other ideas for software features?  Please let us know.