Does it finally feel like spring where you are? Up here in Illinois, we are excited to let go of winter and embrace the promise of the coming summer. We wanted to make the most of this spring-y month by sharing some new features our users have been waiting for.


Feature Spotlight

Displaying a room’s status on the Calendar

One new little addition to the latest build is the ability to show a room’s housekeeping status on the Calendar:

Rooms that are marked as Dirty or Turnover show up as yellow:

The highlighted yellow shows rooms that need to be cleaned

Diagnosis search box

For houses that have a lot of diagnoses listed in HHK, we’ve added a search box. This allows the house to search for a previously entered diagnosis instead of scrolling through the drop-down menu. You will still be able to write additional information in the text box.

Search for diagnosis rather than using the previous drop down list

The search box works like all the other search boxes in HHK (in that it searches any of the words in the diagnosis).

If you would like to turn on either of these features, please reach out!

Many more features have been added to the latest build. You can read the full list here.

Eliminating old HHK Users

It’s a good idea to review your users list every year or so and delete any employees or volunteers who are no longer with the house. To find your list of users, start by logging into the Admin side of HHK. Note: Only admin users can update this list.

Go to the Web Users Tab, select Web Users.

Image of where in HHK to find your users list.

If there is anyone that needs to be deleted, check the box next to their name. Confirm deleting the record by selecting OK.
This removes their username and password, so they can’t continue to log in to HHK.

Image showing web users list, where to delete a user, and a confirm pop-up box

Coming Soon

  • Multiple Reservations – Several of you have asked to be able to create multiple reservations at once (e.g., a cancer patient who stays a couple days every week for several months).
  • E-signing with a Signature Pad – Currently, Registration Forms can be signed electronically with a tablet or other touchscreen device. We are working on adding the capability for guests to sign with a signature pad, which would be connected to your computer.

If these features sound useful for your house, please reach out to help test or give input on how they could work for you.