Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2024-02-14T20:26:48+00:00
Does HHK allow ‘walk-up’ check-in (i.e. no reservation)?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes. You can set the software to allow or not allow walk-ups (no reservation). Even if you take reservations, you can still allow or disallow walk-ups. And you can disallow reservations altogether if your house does not take reservations.

Does HHK track caregivers?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes, you can track caregivers for each patient. Caregivers can be family members or professionals.

Does HHK track the patient’s doctors?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes, you can track a family doctor and a specialist. A ‘Doctor’ report is also available to use as a mailing list to communicate and solicit your medical community.

Does HHK offer address verification?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

No. Address verification is a pay service. If your organization wants to subscribe to one of the address verification paid services, NPSC is willing to implement an interface.

But HHK does automatically clean up a street address to the US Postal Service address standards for street type (AVE, LN, ST, etc.)  and secondary address such as APT and UNIT.

Does HHK allow for international addresses?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes, HHK does support international addresses. Zip code lookup is limited to the United States, however. If your organization wants to pay for an address lookup service, NPSC is willing to implement an interface.

Does HHK include the county in the guest or patient address?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Including the county (not countRy) in the street address is optional. If included, Address Completion will look up the county along with city and state.

Does HHK track diagnosis, hospital location (of patient), or hospital area?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes, the software will track patient diagnosis, hospital location/area, or secondary diagnosis.

Does HHK track demographics?2018-09-26T21:37:44+00:00

HHK currently tracks the following demographics for all guests and patients:

  • Age range
  • Birthdate
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Special needs
  • ‘How did you hear of us’
  • Income level
  • No return
  • Distance traveled

Additionally, a House can redefine most of these to track something else.

Does HHK track clean/dirty and turnover room status?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes. HHK can offer housekeeper staff access limited to what they need to see and do.

Does HHK export data to Excel?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes. All reports and lists support an Excel Download button which will deliver the data directly to Excel on your computer in native Excel format.

Can I track ad-hoc extra items or room damage fees or lost key charges?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

HHK allows you to define extra items which can be added onto a guest’s bill, and to include deductions for special circumstances.

HHK can also add a cleaning fee to each stay at the House.

Does HHK track and manage key or room deposits?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes, HHK tracks and manages key or room deposits, and offers various ways to reimburse the amounts or to keep the deposit as a donation.

Does HHK create and track invoices?2018-09-26T21:34:56+00:00

Yes, HHK has a built-in invoicing and billing capability. It can keep track of all your billable entities allowing for simple selection and reporting.

Does HHK allow open-ended reservations (no checkout date)?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00

Yes, but you have to enter an expected checkout date anyway. The system never automatically checks someone out.

Where does the software reside?2018-09-27T12:56:37+00:00

Hospitality HouseKeeper is web-based. The software will be hosted with our HIPAA-compliant server, and you will access it by visiting a specific URL and logging in with your username and password.


Is HHK a secure system?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00

Yes. Every user is required to enter an individual username and password. Also, the website can be run under the extra security of an SSL certificate (same thing banks use).

How many users do I get?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00

There is no limit to the number of users.

Can I load historical data into the system?2018-09-27T12:54:06+00:00

We can translate data contained in an Excel file into the database. First and last names must be in separate columns as well as street address, city, state, and zip code. We can also add in visit start and end dates.

Can I customize the software for my organization?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00

The software is designed specifically for the use of healthcare hospitality houses and already offers an abundant variety of options to customize its functions and processes to your organization’s rules and policies. Also, the software is continuously getting updates and new features that are driven collectively by the Houses that use the system.

Can family members come and go during a visit?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00

Absolutely. You can check guests in and out as they come and go, and as long as one person is in the room, they keep the room. There is even an optional feature to let all guests leave for a short “vacation” without losing the room (paid or unpaid).

How do room fees work?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00

The system supports a variety of room fee schedules that are optionally influenced by guest income level, room type, length of stay, and the number of guests in the room.

For Houses that do not charge fees, all the user interface sections dealing with fees and payments disappear.

Who has access to the system and how is access managed?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00

Access is by a user name and password. Your organization designates one or several people as administrative users with the power to create new users and set access privileges accordingly.

Do I have to enter the guest name more than once?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00


What kinds of reports are available?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00
  • Room utilization and “heads on pillows”
  • Subsidy amounts
  • Room income
  • Rooms out of service
  • Paid and unpaid amounts
  • Housekeeping: checking in/out today, rooms to clean, etc.
  • Security and parking
  • Who is currently at the house by hospital, income level, length of stay
  • Who was/will be at the house
  • Guests turned away, cancelled, no-shows
  • Guest demographics
  • Audit logs
What information is captured?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00
  • Guests – name, address, phone, email, relationship to patient
    • Patients
    • Caretakers
    • Family members
  • Special needs, ADA, zero-barrier shower, service dog …
  • Demographics – gender, ethnicity, age group, hometown, language, income level
  • Emergency contacts
  • Financial needs – income and household size (# of people)
  • Hospital
    • Diagnosis/Unit
    • Doctors/Nurses
    • Social Worker/Referral Agent
  • Vehicle info (to manage scarce parking)
  • Reservation and visit dates, rooms, charges and payments
Does HHK show details for each room such as type of beds, ADA amenities, etc.?2018-09-26T21:35:24+00:00

The software turns this question on its head. Instead of showing various rooms with their various options, the user selects the specific needs and requirements of the guests/patient and only shows those rooms that match (and are available).

An important part of the setup for the software is to enter these details for each room in your house, and to keep the information up to date as your house evolves and changes.

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